When it comes to advertising and marketing, your business needs a way to reach customers that’s not only effective, but affordable. LED displays and digital signage are one of the best options for businesses in any industry — from hospitality and transportation, to retail and service industries.
From lobby displays to wayfinding signage, hospitality and transportation venues need a variety of signs to operate properly.
Custom LED signs are one of the most effective solutions for any scenario. They allow you to create a memorable experience for your customers and help you gain their trust through brand awareness and loyalty.
Plus, you can create an exciting atmosphere with valuable, entertaining content that’s easy to change with modern digital signage technology.
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How to use custom LED signage in hospitality
LED signs are ideal for boosting sales by increasing brand awareness and visibility. Whether you’re trying to attract new guests, or simply remind loyal patrons about amenities and perks, an LED sign can help you achieve these goals quickly and easily.
Utilize LED signage to boost sales
Many hotels and resorts have on-site restaurants, bars or cafés. Customizable LED signage allows you to promote special offers or seasonal menus without having to spend money on printed materials or expensive marketing campaigns. This makes them ideal for the hospitality industry, whether they’re looking for an easy way to increase sales or simply want a better way of attracting new customers while they’re on the go.
Create a welcoming impression
From the start, you want to be able to give a great first impression to your guests. A custom LED display can create a wow-factor that will be sure to leave a lasting effect, helping introduce them into an atmosphere that’s welcoming, comfortable, and exciting.
Utilizing custom LED signage in transportation
Transportation businesses have a lot of moving parts — literally! And those parts include schedules and routes that change day by day (or minute by minute). Customized LED signs can help you convey the latest information to passengers quickly and efficiently so they can plan accordingly.
In addition to timing, airports in particular can implement LED displays throughout to promote restaurants, shops and other attractions. This can help you boost sales by encouraging travelers to eat and shop as they wait.
Keep travelers informed
With customers expecting a reliable service from their transportation provider, like airports, you’ve got to be on top of it. If a flight gets cancelled due to weather conditions or mechanical issues, for example, passengers need to know about it as soon as possible so they don’t miss their connecting flights or end up stranded at the airport overnight.
Real-time departures: If you are an airline or bus company, you can use custom LED signs to display the status of your real-time departures. This is an excellent way to keep customers up-to-date on their travel plans while they wait in line at the airport or bus station.
Delays and cancellations: f there is a delay or cancellation on your flight or bus, you can post this information using custom LED signs. When passengers see that their flight is delayed, they may want to relax for a few minutes instead of rushing through security or boarding the plane early.
Destination changes: If there is a change in destination due to weather conditions or other reasons, you can use custom LED signs to inform passengers of this
Use custom LED signs for wayfinding
In addition to just informing passengers on travel times, other important information such as lost and found items, emergency exits, wheelchair accessibility, or restrooms should not be ignored.
As a traveler, you do not want to be lost in an area you are unfamiliar with. So wayfinding signage helps individuals find what they need, without the need of an additional employee — thus, saving you money.
As you can see, using custom LED signs in hospitality and transportation can improve user experiences, help increase revenue and create beautiful (and useful) visual displays.
If you’re looking to introduce custom LED signs in your hotel, retail store, airport, or transportation hub, check out our lineup of LED solutions or reach out to Firefly LED for more info.